Thursday, September 25, 2014

My Thoughts on Feminism

As of lately, there has been a lot of talk about feminism. Being a feminist is praised by some, put down by others. More than not, a feminist is labeled as a male hating woman that is complaining about "insignificant" things. It has been misconstrued so often, that women have begun to go completely against feminism and even making websites like this, . Now, I am all for everyone having their own voice and thinking whatever they want to think! But it is completely disheartening to see girls of my age go against feminism just because they have a wrong definition of it.

In reality, all a feminist truly wants is EQUALITY. The true definition of feminism is as follows, "the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men." Women face tremendous inequalities everywhere from the workplace to their home life. I see these inequalities everywhere I turn. In the media, at school, in history books, and even in my own home. Coming from a Mexican background, my road to femininity was definitely a struggle. But i have learned to embrace it.

Equality in a Latino family is hard to come across. Most cultures are patriarchal and my family is definitely no different. Not speaking about my immediate family just yet though. I have cousins and uncles that are the "men of the house." They provide for their families and their wives are there to serve the food and tend to the children. While the women think they have an opinion, more than usually they do not. Its the machista way and I cant hold a grudge necessarily, because its years of tradition that continue to reinforce these actions. 

It wasn't until college that I began to realize that my parents raised us a bit different from the traditional Mexican way. While I'm not saying it was completely progressive, my mom and dad had an interesting relationship. They kept things equal. While of course they didnt make the same income and my mom still made breakfast and dinner every day, I knew that they handled things in an equal manner. My mom is a very strong, independent woman that has never let anyone put her down and my father never complained about those inspiring traits. In fact, for some time in my teen years my family went through changes and my mom was the only one working and my dad took over the household jobs like cooking and cleaning! (gasp!) They handled life challenges together and my father never has and never will put down my mom's opinion just because she is a woman. My mother may think I have crazy views on life sometimes, but its only because she has always taught me to speak my opinion and be equal. She may not think, or even know so, but my mom is a feminist. This is pretty much the same with my sister and her marriage and with a few of my female cousins as well. My dad is a great man and if I sat down and explained to him what a true feminist is, he would proudly label himself as one too. 

That is why when I began to inform myself with the feminist movement I knew I could label myself as part of it.  Im a junior in college and just barely starting off my adult life and already I know that life for me will be hard. Not just because of my culture, not just because career choices, and not even just because of my currently purple hair! But because I am a woman. I am lucky to have had parents that had some equality in the household but now I have to remember that the world is not all like this. Yes, there are women in power and women that are successful, but not nearly as many as men. 

Now, I cant really say what exactly I will do to help the cause, because this is way out of my hands. But I will always speak my mind and proudly let people know that I am a feminist. Not because Beyonce promotes it and not because its the "cool" thing to be, but because I am a woman that wants to be in charge of her own body and I want to have equal rights as EVERYONE,  male and female.  
My last note is that feminism isnt just a woman's movement, men are all welcome. Men are all sons, husbands, brothers and they can set aside their cultural beliefs and remember that we are all humans that deserve the same things in life. 

Feminism is the search for equality of the sexes. And I cant wait until the day when that equality is finally achieved.